Monday, 18 January 2016

Studying too much for the GMAT: is there such a thing?

Students often ask me whether they should be concerned about studying too much for the GMAT. The short answer is that in almost all cases, the more you study for the exam, the better your performance will be. 

Gauge your progress with practice tests
A common-sense approach is needed to know when you are ready to take the exam. The good thing is that there are tools that can you help you to assess when you are ready. The main tool you can use is practice tests.
Practice tests can give you a good guide as to your current level of preparedness for specific topics, as well as provide you with the best possible practice for the test itself. Taking one practice exam at the beginning of your studies can give you a sense of what is to come, while strategically timed practice tests later in your studies—generally starting at the halfway mark or later—will allow you to consolidate your knowledge, practice timing strategy and start getting comfortable with the exam.
As long as you are adding new tools to your metaphorical GMAT toolbox, you are undoubtedly using your time well. Over the course of your studies, you will develop a sense of whether or not you are still making progress. When you finally feel like your skills can’t progress further, test this feeling with a practice exam: if everything is in order, proceed to register for the test.

Too much study can lead to diminishing returns
In some rare cases, it is indeed possible to study too much. GMAT preparation and the GMAT itself are mentally demanding. Approximately 10-20 hours per week of studies are what our tutors advise, though on any given day, once you are feeling too tired to concentrate properly, it is time to put your study materials aside and take a rest. In the long term, between two and four months of GMAT studies (sometimes a bit less or more depending on special circumstances) ought to suffice. Much more than that—sometimes we hear of individuals drawing their preparation out for years—can negatively affect knowledge retention and motivation.

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