Monday, 11 January 2016

Importance of an Effective Test Strategy for GMAT

GMAT preparation is not a uni-dimensional challenge, and does not involve only studying; Rather it is a combination of skill, hard-work and effective test-taking strategies that helps optimize your test scores. Through this article, we explore some of the basic parameters of GMAT test taking strategies that you should keep in mind while preparing for the exam.

Diagnostic Tests are Vital
Before you actually begin your GMAT preparation in full flow, it is important that you give GMAT diagnostic test, preferably a full length GMAT online test. This effectively becomes your benchmark that you refer to whenever you evaluate your performance. Unless you know you initial preparation level, you will not be able to gauge how effective your current GMAT self preparation methods are.

Place sufficient focus on Area and Topic Tests
An important point you must remember is that along with a focus on full length GMAT online tests, you must also place sufficient emphasis on topic-wise and area-wise drills. These help  you in understanding your strengths and weaknesses and pin-point the areas you need to work on. Practicing topics individually will help you in improving the areas you are weak in.  Focusing on your strengths is critical to a great GMAT score as these are questions and concepts that you can nail on the day of the test. So don’t leave these topics out of your-self preparation plan –   you should give adequate time to these topics.

Ensure you give simulated online GMAT practice Tests periodically
Testing is only effective when it follows a pre-defined schedule and agenda. Haphazard or sporadic testing is of no use, and you should ensure that you follow a pre-defined structure in terms of your test taking schedule. This should have tangible goals and markers, and ensure you periodically evaluate your performance. Keep a target score in mind before you take a test and pace your self accordingly. Remember that improvement will come in steps rather than leaps.

Ensure you time yourself
Do not get trapped in the vicious temptation of solving all questions correctly without keeping an eye on the timer.  When you prepare for GMAT online, there will be occasions where you will not practice with the timer in place. Make sure this does not become a habit and you solve majority of your tests with the timer on.

Test Environment
Last but not the least, test environment is also an important factor while giving GMAT tests. Ensure you replicate the actual test environment, and  do not engage in activities that take your focus away. Take  GMAT online practice tests in simulated environment, follow all instructions, strictly adhere to time schedule, don’t extend breaks beyond allowed parameters, and don’t take any liberties that you wont get in actual GMAT.

These are some of the tips related to test-taking that you should keep in mind, and try to include these in your best GMAT self prep practices. Once you inculcate these, you will surely see a positive impact on your scores and preparation.

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