Friday, 6 November 2015

School Policies

A student may enroll anytime, not just at the beginning of a course. Matriculation at mid-session, however, depends on availability of space. Midsession enrollees, if they wish to continue, must nevertheless reenroll for the subsequent session during Registration Week (the seventh week).

The following grading system is used for all courses:
  • 90 and above            Excellent
  • 80 - 89                      Good
  • 70 - 79                      Pass
  • 69 and below            Repeat
Factors that influence a student’s grade are course- and instructor-specific but normally include absences, tardiness, class participation, as well as homework and test results.

A student must receive at least a 70% in all courses to proceed to the next level. Refer to course syllabi for specific requirements.

A student will be expelled if (after a minimum of one written warning) he is openly rebellious or disrespectful, disruptive, poses a danger to anyone associated with the school, exhibits a willful lack of progress, or otherwise disregards school policy. In the classroom, the instructor may issue a verbal or written warning or may refer the student to the Dean of Students for counseling and/or discipline. This policy will be adhered to unless the severity of the situation warrants immediate expulsion. (Expulsion does not absolve a student of his financial obligations to the school.)

Only English is permitted in the classroom. (Students are also encouraged to speak English on breaks and outside the classroom.)

No cell phones or other noise-creating communication devices are allowed in the classroom.

Important deadlines. All of the following are due three (3) weeks in advance of a new session, more specifically, by Friday of the fifth week of a current session:
  • Requests for courses, course or program changes, or changes from morning to evening classes (or vice versa) must be received in writing using the Course Change/Request form.
  • Requests for vacation must be received in writing using the Vacation Request form. (Vacation requests are required for international students and requested for all students.)
  • Application for the Test Preparation program.
  • To aid in counseling and planning, the school requires that all students participate in the school’s progress reporting and verification of continuation survey. (This latter information is for planning purposes only and does not constitute a formal request or notification.)

In the event a student or students are late, a teacher is not required to wait more than sixty minutes.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the school about changes in any of the following: address, telephone number(s), fax number, e-mail address(es).

Please allow 3 business days to process all administrative or document requests. (Allow 5 business days for the I-20 and all supporting documents once the application is complete.)

Students who enroll or start mid-session (or who are tested after the fifth week of a session and wish to start the following session) may be asked to move from morning to evening or from evening to morning classes.

Students must make separate application (in addition to the standard school application) for the Test Preparation (TP) programs.

Students who wish to use the library must make a refundable deposit of $75. USMLE Test prep students are required to make a $200 refundable deposit. See library policies for more details.

Unless a Course Change/Request form is submitted on time, students who re-enroll are assumed to automatically continue the course or sequence of courses in which they are currently enrolled. It is the student’s responsibility to request (on time) a course or course change.

The maximum number of students in any given class is twelve. The school will open a class for as few as two students.

Students who graduate from AEI’s seven level Intensive English Program (IEP) are strongly encouraged to attend graduation unless they are scheduled to be outside the state of Georgia on Graduation Day. (Students who do not participate are not eligible to receive a graduation certificate.)

In case of possible severe weather or other emergency situation, please call the school. The telephone will have a message indicating whether classes have been canceled. If classes are to be canceled, a message will be available no later than 6:30 AM (morning classes) or 3:00 PM (afternoon/evening classes). In addition, please check the school's website and Fox 5 Atlanta (TV channel and website and 11Alive Network (TV channel and website will provide the same information.

Office hours: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Monday through Friday and Saturdays 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM. (Except for holidays and one-week seasonal breaks. See the school Academic Calendar.)

Students must agree to abide by parking regulations and all other school policies, procedures, including but not limited to those enumerated here and in the Student Handbook, incorporated herein by reference.

Tuition, fees, courses, programs and school policies are subject to change; changes apply upon re-enrollment.

For all disputes involving refunds or charges: Before legal action is initiated, all parties agree to seek mediation by the Justice Center of Atlanta. Costs (estimated to be between $250-300) will be borne equally.

International Students (students holding or applying for an F1 Visa)

Students approved for change of status must begin at the next available session or within two weeks, whichever is sooner.

Enrollment in the or Test Preparation Program is contingent on meeting program prerequisites. Students who enroll for the Test Preparation program but are required to complete the Intensive English Program are financially responsible for the difference in tuition.

Students applying for reinstatement to F1 status are required to begin study no later than the start date indicated on their I-20. All school policies that apply to F1 students also apply to them. (For example, they may not break for vacation until after four sessions.)

F1 students are required to make normal progress in their studies. Normal progress is defined as follows: all students must achieve a score of not less than 70%. This score reflects both grades and attendance.

A student whose visa has been approved (initial entry) may request (in writing) to defer attendance for a period of up to one year. Subsequently, his or her enrollment will be withdrawn and his SEVIS student record cancelled.

School enrollment (or a student’s SEVIS record) is cancelled if for any reason a student does not communicate with the school for a period of one year from the student’s intended program start date.

Students enrolled in the Test Preparation courses must choose to be available for classes either in the mornings (8:00 AM – 12:30 PM) afternoons (1:00 PM – 3:50 PM), or evenings (4:30 – 8:50 PM). The school cannot guarantee or necessarily honor student preferences for more specific class times.

The USCIS requires that it be notified within 10 days of a change in address. Such notification may be made to the school and the school in turn will notify the USCIS.

Students are eligible for a vacation after “one academic year” or eight months of continuous study. Requests for vacation for a subsequent session must be received in writing using the Vacation Request form by Friday of the fifth week of a session. Students who intend to transfer or stop studying at AEI after the vacation can not apply for vacation.

A nonrefundable $275 Continuing Enrollment Fee is required for students approved for vacation, medical leave, or temporary absence. The $275 will be credited against future tuition and is due during Registration Week for students approved for vacation or within 3 weeks of an approval for medical leave, or temporary absence. Otherwise, a late fee of $50 applies. All temporary absenses or medical leaves must be applied for and approved. for specific policy and procedure, please ask for a Temporary Absence Request or Medical Leave Request form, respectively.

International students must request a transfer out (using our Transfer-out Request form) on or before the Friday of the fifth week of a session, and present proof of acceptance no later than the last day of the same session. Please see the school’s Transfer-out Request form (incorporated here by reference) for additional information.

Change of status or reinstatement applicants must complete at least (three) 3 sessions or graduate from the IEP before they are eligible to transfer.


Enrollment and financial commitment are for a minimum of sixteen hours; i.e., two hours per week for eight weeks.

For new students, tuition is due in full before beginning. For continuing students, tuition is due the week before each subsequent period of tutoring.

One-hour sessions are 55 minutes to allow a break for the instructor. Two-hour sessions include a ten-minute break.

Vacation breaks, holidays, and teacher workdays are observed with respect to all tutoring schedules. (See school Academic Calendar.)

Once a tutoring schedule has been arranged, it may not be changed. Once a tutoring schedule has been arranged, it may not be changed. A $25 rescheduling fee applies if student requires any changes after a schedule has been agreed upon.

The school does not issue refunds for tutoring once a schedule has been arranged. For further information concerning refunds and other financial policies, see below.

Refunds and Withdrawl Policy (all students)

Except as noted below, the $175 Application Fee is non-refundable. Regarding tuition and other fees:

Course or Program Cancellation by the School
- Full Refund (including Application Fee)

Applicant Denial of Admission by the School
- Full Tuition Refund (all students)

Government Denial (F-1 students only: Initial Entry or Change of Status)
- Full Tuition Refund (proof of government denial required)
- Less $275 Administrative Fee

Cancellation Prior to Start of Class (first session)
- Tuition: 50% refund
- Less $275 Administrative Fee (F-1 students only: Initial Entry or Change of Status)

Cancellation Prior to Start of Class (continuing students)
- Tuition: No refund

Withdrawal After Class Starts or No Show
- Tuition: No refund

AEI is not obligated to make refunds to students who are terminated due to violation of the school's written disciplinary and/or attendance policies or local, state, or federal law.

All charges or fees other than tuition (e.g.: transcripts, document delivery, students ID, etc.) are not eligible for refund.

In all cases, students must submit a signed and dated Refund Request, with the required documentation, e.g.: visa denial letter (F-1 students). Refunds will be sent or available within fifteen (15) business days from the date of course cancellation, denial of admission, withdrawal, or refund request.

To withdraw from a class or completely from AEI, students are required to complete, sign and date an Official Withdrawal Form and submit it to the Registrar's Office. The date of withdrawal determination is the date the student gives written notice of withdrawal to AEI (Registrar’s Office) or the date AEI terminates the student due to the student's failure to adhere to the school's attendance, conduct, or student progress policy.

Other Financial Matters (all students)

Full payment is required before a student is considered officially enrolled.

Minimum course enrollment and payment: one full eight-week session. (Enrollment and payment are required before the placement test or entering class.)

Tuition and other payments are due (for continuing students) Registration Week (the seventh week of each session) by Friday at 8 PM. A $50 fee applies for late payments.

Course tuition normally includes books. (Exceptions: tutoring, repeat students for Test Preparation courses, and as otherwise indicated in school media materials.) Repeat students for the Intensive Course/Intensive English Program will be provided new grammar text books only.

Students who enroll after the first week of a session (midsession enrollment) will receive a prorated tuition credit. (This does not apply to continuing F1 students.) Credits are based on rounding up to full weeks and will be applied only to the following session.

No credit is issued for days absent (courses or tutoring) except in the case of a serious and extended illness (more than half the course), in which case students are given the option of repeating the course (one session) within one year at no charge. A doctor’s note is required.

A charge of $35 is due for all returned checks or other refused transactions. Returned checks must be replaced by cash or money order within one week. Otherwise, students may not enter class.

Students are liable for all reasonable costs associated with collection, including collection agency and attorney fees.

Other fees:
- A one-time application fee of $175 applies to all students and is non refundable.
- Graduation Ceremony and reception: $45 (includes graduation certificate)
- Document Delivery: $15 (domestic); $55 (international)
- Student ID Card: $5 (replacement card)
- Transcript: $5
- Continuing Enrollment Fee of $275 (F1 students: Vacation, Medical Leave,
and Temporary Absence) Non-refundable; may be applied against tuition.

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